Share your words with us We need your stories to make our night a success!
ALL deadlines are the first of EVERY month!! ie The next deadline for writer submissions for the event on Wednesday, February 26th is the 1st of Feb! You get it.
Give us your best 11- 13 pages. They don't have to be the first 11 - 13 pages of your screenplay or pilot, just the pages that you think best show off your writing.
If your submission spills onto 14 pages, don't worry. Go ahead and submit - we can discuss trims later if your piece is selected. The idea is to finish up your scene.
Feel free to cut intermediary scenes - or combine scenes from a particular storyline - in order to create a 11-13 page excerpt that has movement and reaches a cool ending. (And be sure to tell us you've done this in the Short Description section below so we're not confused when we read!)
At this time, we're only accepting submissions from TV and film scripts, which includes pilots, features, short film, and webseries. No stage plays, please. Thank you!